Our Location

Canines on Course
Sacramento, CA 95831

We are Affiliated with:
Sierra Nevada German Shepherd Rescue


Contact Us

If you are interested in knowing more about training for your dog, please use this form. If you would prefer an email response, please remember to be specific about the information you are seeking. Providing some details about your training goals or problem will help us to provide you with the most accurate information. We will contact you within 48 hours whenever possible.

The Canines on Course initial assessment is conveniently conducted at your home. During this session, we will observe, evaluate, and recommend solutions for your dog training problems. Scheduled to suit your personal time frame, this initial meeting enables us to do three things:

  1. Assess your dog’s or puppy's behavior and interact with your dog or puppy.

  2. Perform a single dog training session, which includes providing you with several tips and techniques to help manage your dog's issues immediately.

  3. Collaborate with you and identify which dog training program is the best fit for you and your dog in alignment with your dog training goals.